Process Post #1

Today I had a strange encounter with a guest at work. I work at a very popular restaurant and I encounter a lot of different characters every time I work. Something was in the air today and I experienced something different. As I approached my table I noticed two men sitting there. One was an elderly man with stark white hair and the other was a younger man in his mid 40’s. After I asked the gentlemen what they wanted for drinks, they told me they were visiting for business. I asked the men what type of business they are involved with and they told me they are psychics. I wasn’t surprised by this as they were dressed very peculiarly. Throughout my service, they shared very interesting stories about their lives and took a strong interest in my life. Once they finished the elderly man pulled out taro cards and asked me if I wanted to hear my fortune. I said of course because I have always wanted to have my fortune read, but I never thought I would have it happen while I was working. Overall, this interaction was very pleasant yet random. When I think about how I interact with people online, it’s very different from this interaction. I feel that when I speak to my friends online I’m never fully able to connect with them, especially in the way I connected with the gentleman at my work. 

“Human interaction is the key force in overcoming resistance and speeding change” 

-Atul Gawande






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