Process Post #3

This week, I decided to initiate a social media platform to further my online presence. As I felt I was able to express myself the best through photos, I decided to use Instagram as my platform. My Instagram page @madsluvsfood was the page I decided to link to because food is such an important part of my life and I’ve always enjoyed doing food reviews.

While creating this Blog I have resonated with the work of Craig Mod in his essay “How I Got My Attention Back”. Mod writes about the challenges of staying focused and reclaiming his attention in the digital age. I feel that it’s so important to always remain aware of the constant distractions that the internet can create and steer you away from deeper meanings. The digital age has completely transformed the way we live and has created a world where creativity has taken the back seat in the art of creation. One thing the author also spoke about was disconnecting from technology and reconnecting with the earth. There is one important quote written by Blaise Pascal that reads “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone”, which is the perfect way to put the digital age into perspective. We as a society are constantly needing to be attached to our devices as a way to feel something and our online personas are completely dependent on the content we watch and interact with.

After reading that article it made me think about how much content I consume daily and makes me want to cut back. I also want to incorporate more creative elements in my work and everyday life.






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