Peer Review #1

My first peer review is for the website Digital Diaries by Julia. When you first open the website you are met with a large banner across the front page. While I really like the graphic that was used, I think that a different image should be used because the quality of the file is very grainy. The overall layout of the blog is easy to access and straight forward. Clicking through the menu was simple and each page was laid out properly.  

With the overall theme of the website I feel that it represents the author accurately. From reading through the about page, I was able to form an idea of the author’s identity. There was a song linked and an Instagram page created alongside the website to further Julia’s identity online. Visuals are a great way to grasp someone’s identity. In the reading “Self-Presentation in Social Media: Review and Research Opportunities” by Hollenbaugh, she discusses how it’s important to understand the concept of self-presentation and its evolution in the digital age. Self-presentation is a fundamental aspect of human interaction, and social media platforms have become powerful tools for individuals to craft and project their online identities. Since the digital realm has influenced the way we represent ourselves online, it can connect us to a broader online community.

Throughout Julia’s blog posts, I’m able to grasp a sense of how she lives her everyday life. She has created lifestyle content that is easy to follow along. I really enjoyed reading her food reviews as that is something I’m doing on my website. 






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