The Power of AI


As information technology advances, network users’ interests have facilitated change and the development of new technologies that provide convenience for our lives. One drastic change we have seen is the establishment of Artificial Intelligence. In the past, AI technologies felt so foreign and almost unimaginable to exist in our everyday lives. However, it has gradually been introduced through many different platforms such as Grammarly, Notion, and These platforms are extremely accommodating to an individual’s everyday needs, which has created a strong feeling that people couldn’t live without AI now. AI, or Artificial Intelligence refers to the development of computer systems that can “perform tasks that typically require human intelligence” (Schroer, 2023). The main reason AI was implemented into society was how it can assist us and imitate the way humans perform tasks. There are many individuals who feel that AI is invasive and negatively affects how we retain information and properly complete tasks, but there are also many positive changes that AI can bring to society. AI has been proven to be beneficial for learning opportunities and extend extra help to those with disabilities. Moreover, with AI being introduced into the market it has opened up new career possibilities.

AI has many beneficial components where it is able to personalize any learning experience. For individuals who require extra help with learning, AI systems have been crafted to give everyone an accessible and adaptive experience. For students who want to use AI, there are platforms, such as, that have been recommended to them to further their learning outside the classroom. After researching how these tools can be used to benefit learning, this is definitely something I wished I got to experience during my early years of learning. For students in university, many of us are focused on acquiring skills that will be beneficial when we graduate and join the workforce. Using AI as a buffer to help assist with tasks, such as Grammarly, can be very useful when completing tasks. There has been a lot of debate surrounding the usage of AI within the classroom and whether or not it would be a positive element for students to use. When these technologies are properly programmed with valued frameworks and ethical guidelines that are used within a teaching setting, “AI has the potential to empower teaching and learning at the classroom level” (Shiohira, 2021). AI can also be used on the other end and benefit teachers and assist with administrative tasks, which then allows the teachers to have more time with the students. AI has the ability to assist students with tasks outside of school hours and creates an organized learning environment for the teachers which overall boosts the classroom atmosphere.

One conversation about AI and its impact is the one surrounding how it’s very beneficial for individuals with disabilities. Everyday tasks look very different for those who are disabled, but AI tools have been created as a way to tackle everyday tasks in an easier way. Enhanced educational tools for assistance and tutoring are nothing but positive elements for the classroom. These tools include; interactive learning platforms, reality apps and virtual reality simulations. We even use these tools in our everyday lives without realizing how important they are for those with disabilities. Siri and Amazon Alexa are major elements that assist in facilitating communication for those who have disabilities. These platforms were designed in a way that individuals with visual impairments can talk to speech to describe visuals and text. AI is something that many businesses need to adapt to create a more “inclusive and collaborative work culture that includes employees regardless of their disabilities” (Weitzman, 2023). The immediate assistance that AI provides for us creates a system where individuals feel valued. In the past, students who struggled with learning disabilities required extra attention within the classroom, but now these AI systems are very valuable to them to use outside of classroom hours. These tools can make learning more engaging and effective. Systems such as Smart Tutor “use smart technology to tailor content for each student” (Berondo, 2023)

AI has also been proven to be very impactful due to the new influx of job opportunities it provides. Wilson and his colleagues uncovered research that revealed three new categories of AI-driven business and technology jobs. As he describes the individuals in these roles are called “trainers, explainers, and sustainers” and how they will “complement the tasks performed by cognitive technology, ensuring that the work of machines is both effective and responsible (Wilson, et. al, 2017). AI can also be beneficial for those who are content creators. The whole idea behind content creation is marketing yourself and the creativity behind your content is how you can deliver personalized experiences. Using generative AI technologies such as ChatGPT and DALL-E, content creators can “interact with their target demographic, creating new opportunities for creative campaigns and generating significant outcomes” (Anisin, 2023).

As AI has emerged onto the scene, it’s merely impossible to not agree that it brings beneficial elements to society and for our future. By having AI assistance within the classroom it can elevate their learning experiences and also assist them with additional tutoring. Individuals who are disabled rely on AI dependability for them to complete everyday tasks. And lastly, AI assists those who are content creators with creating generated content and also opening up new positions on the job market. Integrating AI into daily life, although is foreign for many, is a positive aspect of our ever-changing technology landscape. 

Anisin, A. (2023) Generative AI For Content Creation: How Marketers Can Use
It.  Forbes


H. James Wilson, P. R. D. (2017). The jobs that artificial intelligence will create. MIT
Sloan Management Review.

Schroer, A. (2023) What Is Artificial Intelligence?

Shiohira, K. (2021, November). Understanding the impact of artificial intelligence
on Skills Development. UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for Technical
and Vocational Education and Training. 

Weitzman, T. (2023) Empowering Individuals With Disabilities Through AI
Technology Forbes






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