Everything You Need to Know About Community Guidelines – Process Prompt


The integrity and safety of my Community mean a lot to me. Therefore I have created community guidelines on my blog to ensure efficiency. These guidelines include:

1.) My blog is not a place for politics. Here on my blog, we have a strict no-politics rule. If you request political content, even if it’s light-hearted, it’s against my guidelines.

2.) My blog is not a place for information or threads for the promotion of advertisements.

3.) My blog is a space to cultivate positivity in my interactions with you, I aim to create a place where people can feel uplifted and inspired.

4.) My blog is a space where I’m mindful of my words and tone and how they might be understood. Written communication can often be misinterpreted; please feel free to contact me if you have felt uncomfortable with one of my posts and I would be happy to discuss your concerns.

When creating my blog I wanted a space that was inspiring and uplifting to everyone. Although my content may not be liked by everyone I want my blog to be welcoming to everyone. I want to be my most authentic self and create meaningful posts. When creating my guidelines I felt like my choices were right for me because my blog isn’t an interactive space where others can post content. I felt that if I were to create a blog that had other users posting content I would need guidelines that were more in-depth about what was allowed on my site. However, since it’s just myself posting on my site I wanted to create guidelines for my audience to understand what content I will be posting and my commitment to making sure it’s positive.

While reading “The Psychology of Online Comments” by Maria Konnikova, I was introduced to the term “online disinhibition effect” which discusses how there is a lot of critiques online surrounding commentator’s identity and what they are saying. I want my guidelines to be set in place so I can avoid this area of critique and for my audience to understand that what I post online aligns with my identity.






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