Peer Review #3


For this week I’m doing a peer review for my classmate Amy

Amy has created a blog that is all about her life experiences. She has created a platform where we can learn all about her and what she gets up to regularly. When assessing the marketability of Amy’s blog I felt that she did a good job of marketing herself to her audience. I enjoyed that she tagged her Instagram account so we can get an even better understanding of who she is. I liked that she included her ‘Instagram’ channel to expand her audience. Within the reading ‘State of Mobile 2022‘, it is mentioned that Instagram is one of the most popular social media channels that Gen Z uses. Since Amy is in her early 20’s, I’m sure her target audience would range from the ages of 16-24. Individuals who have almost finished highschool and in university would really benefit from her content. I really enjoy reading her content as she has narrowed her content into different categories; her experiences, food and music. As someone who really enjoys food content my favorite part of her blog was her food reviews and I will be trying some of them out. She had a lot of content surrounding her everyday life but her music entries were minimal. I feel that it would be beneficial to even out her content a little bit more. Overall, I really like Amy’s blog and it’s something I would engage with everyday. The design factors that are included in the blog really match her theme. On her homepage, she uses ‘pink’ and ‘white’ color combinations as well as ‘graphic visuals’ that tie her theme together. Amy has created her own “digital trail” (Pod Academy, 2016) with her blog. When it comes to the layout of her design she has used a simplistic design with a significant amount of pink space and limited items that are displayed (Gertz, 2015). When I’m scrolling through a blog I like when they have a clean layout as it’s much easier to navigate the site. Based on the content that has been posted, I feel like the audience’s intended audience is people who enjoy lifestyle content. 






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