Process Prompt #9


This week we discussed copyright and what that means in the internet world. Copywriting was initially described as the rights of the creators and the world they produce. However, in this new digital era copyright laws can often come at a crossroads with sharing and repurposing of media. Everything that you share online becomes accessible to everyone around the world and once it’s on the internet it’s very hard to get it off. Social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and TikTok let their users share content on a large scale. There has been a lot of concern over copyright within these platforms and the culture of sharing content because the traditional boundaries of copyright get overlooked when individuals are sharing the work of someone without permission. There are many copyright laws in Canada which are called the Copyright Act. In the Heinen reading, we learn about a story that combines culinary creativity and copyright. In a case that captured attention, the argument unfolded around the question of whether a recipe book qualified as an original compilation deserving copyright protection. Unlike some jurisdictions, Canada does not extend copyright to mere listings of ingredients and methods. Consequently, the culinary world in Canada operates under a unique framework where creativity in presenting recipes may be appreciated, but the foundational elements – the recipes themselves – are not subject to copyright protection.






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