Category: Mini Assignments

  • Mini Assignment #4 Remix

    Mini Assignment #4 Remix


  • Mini Assignment #5

    Mini Assignment #5

    BY MADELINE TAYLOR Here is the infographic that I created to summarize what I Interact with online that creates my online self. These three elements are what I frequently interact with so I’m about to form my online self and perception of myself.

  • Mini Assignment #3

    Mini Assignment #3

  • Mini Assignment #2

    Mini Assignment #2

    For October, I will be discussing all things Halloween! Please enjoy this guest post from my favourite character Black Widow….. Greetings, dear readers! It’s that time of the year when the world transforms into a playground for all things spooky and mysterious. You might think that as the Black Widow, I don’t have much time…

  • Mini Assignment #1

    Mini Assignment #1

    This meme perfectly reflected me because I struggled to make my website but finally figured it out! @sfupublishing #posiel

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