Category: Process Posts

  • Process Post

    BY MADELINE TAYLOR The discussion of what’s happening between Israel and Palestine was discussed during the lecture this week and I had a few takeaways that I wanted to discuss. We have discussed how fake news circulates a lot on the internet especially when there are big political debates online. For someone like myself who…

  • Process Post #7

    BY MADELINE TAYLOR It’s far too simple to trust the first news that appears on our screens in today’s information-rich society. These days, it can be challenging to properly educate and enlighten oneself because big media outlets have a great deal of power and frequently shape stories to fit their ideals, views, and falsehoods. Building…

  • Process Post #8

    Process Post #8

    BY MADELINE TAYLOR When you are creating a website you need to keep in mind the accessibility functions that you will need to include. The basic idea of enabling every user, with keeping in mind, that many people have technological limitations or physical capabilities, is at the core of website accessibility. An accessible website guarantees…

  • Process Prompt #9

    MADELINE TAYLOR This week we discussed copyright and what that means in the internet world. Copywriting was initially described as the rights of the creators and the world they produce. However, in this new digital era copyright laws can often come at a crossroads with sharing and repurposing of media. Everything that you share online…

  • Process Post #10

    BY MADELINE TAYLOR Content producers may see their audience’s behaviour through the sophisticated prism analytics tools provided. These metrics, which include page views, click-through rates, and the amount of time spent on particular pages, can help with content creation, publishing schedules, and engagement tactics. It is up to creators to know when their audience is…

  • Process Prompt

    BY MADELINE TAYLOR For this post, I wanted to talk a little bit about data trails and my personal feelings towards them. They are the digital breadcrumbs we leave behind in the vast wilderness that is the Internet. For one aspect, it can be convenient to look back at your online presence and everything you…

  • Process Post #5

    BY MADELINE TAYLOR When creating a plan to incorporate trans-media integration into my blog’s platform it was important for me to understand how that integration is a process. This approach is to engage audiences across various channels seamlessly for the “purpose of creating a coordinated entertainment experience” ( 2013). Firstly, my plan will begin with…

  • Everything You Need to Know About Community Guidelines – Process Prompt

    BY MADELINE TAYLOR The integrity and safety of my Community mean a lot to me. Therefore I have created community guidelines on my blog to ensure efficiency. These guidelines include: 1.) My blog is not a place for politics. Here on my blog, we have a strict no-politics rule. If you request political content, even…

  • Process Post #4

    While creating my blog, I’ve considered what kind of space I’m creating and the audience I’m attracting. When looking at online spaces and where I interact I have an idea of what audiences I interact with daily and I would think those would flow into the audience for my blog. Throughout the reading “Publics and…

  • Process Post #3

    Process Post #3

    This week, I decided to initiate a social media platform to further my online presence. As I felt I was able to express myself the best through photos, I decided to use Instagram as my platform. My Instagram page @madsluvsfood was the page I decided to link to because food is such an important part…

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