New York Restaurant Review – Sadelles


Sadelles is one of those classic spots in New York that you can’t leave the city without trying. Their specialty is fresh bagels made every morning and served on a huge bagel tower. We decided to try them out for brunch as it’s recommended that it’s their best time of the day.

We ordered the famous bagel tower because how could you not? It came with an assortment of different flavours – we chose garlic and everything bagels. You got many different choices for protein but we went with the classic smoked salmon and tuna.

When you’re having a savoury lunch it’s always a good idea to get something sweet on the side. We decided to go with a side of fluffy pancakes and they tasted amazing. When I’m having brunch I always like to get a little bit of everything because there is always way too many choices on the menu.

Overall, I had a great experience with the food but unfortunately, the service was really bad. The entire time we were there we felt like the service staff didn’t care about us at all. We asked to move to a different spot on the patio because the sun was glaring in my eyes and they didn’t help us move anything over from the table. Also when I ordered anything from the server she would roll her eyes at me. I understand this is pretty common in New York for people to be very rude, but this was my first time being treated like this in a nice restaurant. If you’re thinking of visiting Sadelles be very wary of the rude wait staff.






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