Peer Review #2

This is a peer review for Sarvesh Paresh Tanna’s website Market Pulls

Sarvesh’s blog is all about how to build a marketing career. The blog was created to help early-career individuals who want to excel in marketing. As well as sharing his own experiences within the marketing industry that have been successful.

When you first access the blog you notice how clean and concise the layout is. I enjoy how Sarvesh has created a space where it’s easy to navigate his menu. Although he is going for a clean and simple layout, his front banner photo is very eye-catching and intriguing. This design is “simple more utilitarian” (Basu, 2020). What I like about this website would be the blog category on the menu. He has efficiently organized his content to learn about marketing in his narrative and helps motivate others who are learning about the industry. His voice shines through his blog and he has created a space where it’s his digital garden. With digital gardens, “you’re talking to yourself. And you focus on what you want to cultivate over time” (Basu, 2020). I can’t tell you how many times I’ve found myself submerged within a website and had difficulty finding the proper information because it’s all jumbled with absolute non-sense. That is not the case for Sarvesh’s website. Everything is clear and concise, and for someone who hasn’t taken a marketing course it’s very easy for me to follow along.

Some conductive criticism I would give Sarvesh would be I would like to see more content. As he only had 4 blog posts, although I enjoyed them, I wished I was able to read more content. Perhaps he could make a blog post about mistakes he has made, or sharing personal stories about being a marketing student at SFU.

Overall, Sarvesh has a great website and I really enjoyed reading his content.

Basu, Tanya. September 5, 2020. “Digital gardens let you cultivate your own little bit of the internet” MIT Technology Review






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