Process Post

BY MADELINE TAYLOR The discussion of what’s happening between Israel and Palestine was discussed during the lecture this week and I had …

BY MADELINE TAYLOR It’s far too simple to trust the first news that appears on our screens in today’s information-rich society. These …

BY MADELINE TAYLOR When you are creating a website you need to keep in mind the accessibility functions that you will need …

MADELINE TAYLOR This week we discussed copyright and what that means in the internet world. Copywriting was initially described as the rights …

BY MADELINE TAYLOR Content producers may see their audience’s behaviour through the sophisticated prism analytics tools provided. These metrics, which include page …

BY MADELINE TAYLOR For this post, I wanted to talk a little bit about data trails and my personal feelings towards them. …

BY MADELINE TAYLOR When creating a plan to incorporate trans-media integration into my blog’s platform it was important for me to understand …

BY MADELINE TAYLOR The integrity and safety of my Community mean a lot to me. Therefore I have created community guidelines on …

While creating my blog, I’ve considered what kind of space I’m creating and the audience I’m attracting. When looking at online spaces …

This week, I decided to initiate a social media platform to further my online presence. As I felt I was able to …

The setup of my website has been everything but easy. Before I started this class I assumed creating a website would be …

Today I had a strange encounter with a guest at work. I work at a very popular restaurant and I encounter a …

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